Biology Student Forms & Resources

  1. Natural Sciences Info Board
  2. Application
  3. Registration and sign-up
  4. Petitions
  5. Academic planning

Natural Sciences Info Board

Learn more about courses, programs, groups and events, as well as career opportunities, scholarships and other student resources on the Natural Sciences Info Board.


Registration and sign-up

  • BBIO 498/499 Registration Request. Once you have discussed your research or independent study plans with your instructor, fill out this form to request registration for the credit. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
  • Symposium Presentation Sign-up. If you want to use something other than BBIO 495 (Investigative Biology) for the Investigative Biology requirement, you must present your research! Use this form to sign up for a research symposium event (always on Friday of finals week each quarter).
  • Biology Student Mailing List Subscribe / Unsubscribe. Subscribe to the Biology Student Mailing List to receive advising reminders and announcements, as well as information on events courses, research, internships, jobs, scholarships, clubs, and other resources!
  • Course Repeat Request. If you have taken a course twice or more, you must complete this form to request registration for that course.


Use these forms to request a substitution for a major or minor requirement. You must submit a syllabus, a detailed letter from your instructor, or a similar document that thoroughly explains the content of the course.

Allow up to four weeks for processing. Reviews are not made during inter-quarter breaks or summer quarters. Petitions made near the end of a quarter will take longer to receive a response, and petitions made during the summer will receive a response after the start of autumn quarter.

For General Education requirements (Writing, Diversity, Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences), contact your advisor instead of submitting a petition.

Academic planning

  • Biology Orientation Slideshow. Not sure where to start? Here is the most recent orientation presentation for Biology transfer students.
  • Biology Degree Checklist. Use this sheet to keep track of the graduation requirements of your Biology degree.
  • Biology Curriculum Flowchart. Use this sheet to see a visual representation of the prerequisites between different biology-related courses.
  • Course Planning Worksheet. Use this simple planning sheet together with the Degree Checklist and Curriculum Flowchart to figure out your academic plan.
  • MyPlan web app. Use this tool to search for courses, plan out your schedule, and review your degree audit.
  • BBIO course descriptions page. Visit this page to read about content and prerequisites for Biology courses at UW Bothell.