Virtual Event Planning Checklist for Student Clubs

8 Weeks Before the Event

Eight weeks is the minimum amount of time to plan your event. Starting earlier is recommended especially when working with employers, alumni, and other outside partners. It takes time to find people who can participate in your event.

  • Type of event? (panels, presentations, workshops, networking, etc.)
  • Contact presenters.
  • Clubs interested in event assistance or co-sponsoring an event should contact Student Outreach Coordinators at
  • Select event date and time.
  • Determine the virtual platform and who will host the club or the partner/employer.
  • Determine if registration will be required.
    • If using Zoom we recommend using the registration within the platform. Other platforms most likely have this feature.

6 Weeks

  • Create a marketing plan.
  • Start designing your social media posts
  • Determine if you will need to use breakout rooms or other platform features.
  • Finalize program details and create an agenda.
  • Assign tasks to each member of the planning team.

4 Weeks

2 Weeks

  • Follow up with presenters and provide logistics.
    1. Confirm presenters have the platform link or have shared a link with you depending on who is hosting the event.
    2. Ensure they have the agenda or have shared their agenda with you.
    3. Instruct the presenters/panelists to arrive at least 15 minutes early to test the screen-sharing, video, audio, etc.
  • Create guidelines for your participants concerning expectations for videos, mics, & how to ask questions.
  • If you are using breakout rooms do a test run to be sure you know how to use the feature.

Week of the Event

  • Double-check: Does everyone know their responsibilities on the day of the event
    • Who will run the slides or how will you hand off each part of the presentation?
    • Who will admit participants as they arrive?
    • Who will introduce the panel or speaker?
    • Who will monitor the chat or Q & A?
    • Who will close out the event?
  • Send reminder to presenter.

Day of the Event

  • Start your platform at least 20 minutes before event.
  • All participants should arrive 15 minutes before event.
  • Test screensharing and audio.
  • Be sure to instruct your participants on procedures and norms for the presentation.
    • Expectations for videos, mics, & how to ask questions.

Week After the Event

  • Send out thank-you notes.
  • Evaluate the event.
  • Take notes for next year or similar event.
  • Send student attendance numbers and the number of employers and/or alumni to the SOC at