Special Student Relief

Special Student Relief (SSR) allows the suspension of certain F-1 requirements at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). SSR and Temporary Protected Status are not the same. SSR is specifically for students with active F-1 status.

What is offered

SSR allows for the following:

  • Increased on-campus employment.
  • Off-campus employment authorization (through USCIS), which includes the ability to reduce your full course load.

How to apply

  • Speak to a DSO at ISS
    • Eligibility is determined by the rules set in the Federal Register Notice. Please check the notice yourself first.
  • Receive a new I-20 from ISS
  • If applying for off-campus employment, ISS will direct you on the application with USCIS.

Who is eligible

If your country is going through a crisis or emergency, please search the Federal Register for up to date announcements.

Current notices (updated 07/19/2024)