Promotion and tenure guidelines

The School of Nursing & Health Studies (SNHS) fosters inclusive and accessible learning environments to provide a rigorous interdisciplinary education that connects engaging teaching with practical experience. Our mission is to advance social justice, health, and nursing practice through innovative pedagogy, research and community engagement. Our faculty and staff recognize that health is inextricably linked to socioeconomic inequalities and inequities both locally and globally, so we work to inspire our students to engage respectfully and empathically with communities to achieve the School of Nursing & Health Studies’ Vision: to support and improve the health and well-being of diverse communities.

Our faculty dedicates itself to student-centered success; innovative and interdisciplinary teaching, curricula, and public scholarship; community engagement; critical consciousness and reflective practice; local-to-global practice; and social justice advocacy. These core practices stem from the school’s professed values:

  • Access to excellence
  • Care and respect
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Action-oriented social change
  • Social justice

All faculty in the SNHS are expected to demonstrate professional growth and achievement in the core practices and values that support our school’s mission and vision through active scholarship. In addition, faculty take individual and collective responsibility to engage in the governance process as well as institutional, public and professional service.

The SNHS’s commitment to diversity extends to the forms of scholarship we value as well. We are committed to an inclusive definition of scholarship that goes beyond the traditional notion of peer-reviewed, data-based academic journal publication as being the only acceptable metric for scholarly work. As such, the SNHS adheres to the Boyer Model for recognizing and assessing diverse forms of scholarship.

Ernest Boyer, in a report for the Carnegie Foundation, challenged us to think about scholarship broadly, inclusive of novel and non-traditional forms.[1] While scholarship historically narrowed its scope after the renaissance, culminating in the Twentieth century emphasis on formal, original research using scientific and mathematical models, Boyer expanded the meaning of scholarship to include “stepping back from one’s investigations, looking for connections, building bridges between theory and practice, and communicating one’s knowledge effectively to students.” Scholarship, as he defined it, has four functions: teaching, discovery, integration, and application. This functional definition of scholarship is the basis for the process and criteria for granting Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) at the School of Nursing & Health Studies. The relative emphasis of these four functions of scholarship differs by faculty track and is evidenced under each academic rank’s “examples of evidence” in the SNHS Criteria for APT (see charts below) which is also conducted in accordance with policies and guidelines outlined in Chapter 24 of the Faculty Code for the University of Washington, and aligns with the University of Washington Bothell’s Campus Mission Statement.

Boyer Definitions of Scholarship:


As the university’s Mission Statement declares, “UW Bothell holds the student-faculty relationship to be paramount.” This value is nowhere more evident than in teaching, which is a primary focus of the UW Bothell School of Nursing & Health Studies. The function of the scholarship of teaching is not only education, but also to foster curiosity in learners to spur their own life-long quest for knowledge. Teaching, in this context, is a dynamic process that connects the faculty member’s understanding and knowledge to the student’s learning needs. Teaching involves commitment to a process of inquiry that encourages students to think critically in ways that facilitate life-long learning. The scholarship of teaching requires professors to be prepared, widely read and intellectually engaged in their own diverse fields of inquiry. Teaching must be carefully planned, continuously examined, and topically timely and relevant. It must also happen in an inclusive and welcoming environment that is conducive to learning and which must be actively and purposely cultivated by the instructor. Effective teaching means that faculty, as scholars, are also learners and are actively engaged in collaborative learning—both with students as well as experts in pedagogy to continually enhance their teaching. In our programs, teaching must be sensitive to the experience level of the student, acknowledge expertise of practice, and incorporate this knowledge into learning experiences in the classroom and a variety of community and clinical environments. The faculty member must also strive to make their instruction accessible to those with learning difficulties or disabilities, and inclusive of diverse cultural, political, national, ideological, religious, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, sexuality and gender identities. The scholarship of teaching is typically conducted through application of knowledge of the discipline or specialty area in the teaching-learning process, the development of innovative teaching and evaluation methods, program development, learning outcome evaluation, and professional role modeling.


This form of scholarship involves linking one’s knowledge and expertise to service activities and applying what one knows to the larger community both within and external to the university. For faculty in general, this means service through such activities as faculty citizenship and committee responsibilities, program development/evaluation, and student advising. For nursing and health studies in particular, this also means practice activities for the purpose of improving health outcomes for communities, families, and individuals. The School of Nursing & Health Studies’ special focus on advancing social justice also means that special attention should be paid to issues of social, structural and economic injustices which contribute to and exacerbate existing health disparities and inequities. When planning for community-engaged service or participatory research, there should be evidence that social justice issues and concerns played a role in the planning of such activities, and that the outcomes are, or can lead to, actionable steps to promote social justice, diversity, equity and/or inclusion.


This function involves making connections across disciplines and illuminating information in an innovative way. It also involves interpreting other’s and one’s own research and reorganizing this information into a larger context through synthesis. By its nature, this type of scholarship is interdisciplinary and interpretive. The scholarship of integration is reflected in processes and activities that; a) demonstrate an understanding of a discipline or the relationships between disciplines, b) identify key issues within a discipline/field of study, c) produce clear arguments of points of view, or d) create or use new knowledge within or across disciplines. Integration also includes the relationships between nursing and health studies with other disciplines in collaborative efforts in teaching, research, and practice. Original scholarship of integration takes place at the liminal spaces, or intersections, between two or more disciplines. It serves to respond to both intellectual questions and pressing human problems by creating or synthesizing knowledge that offers new paradigms and insights.

While there is exceptional diversity of fields and expertise among the faculty of the School of Nursing & Health Studies, it remains incumbent on faculty to broaden the horizons of their scholarship to include perspectives and ways of knowing currently underrepresented in health scholarship.

Works that would be recognized in the scholarship of integration in nursing and health studies include interfaces between our “home” fields and a variety of other disciplines. Integrative reviews of the literature; analysis of social, cultural, ethical, religious or legal implications on nursing or health care; analysis or creation of health policy; development of interdisciplinary educational programs and service projects; studies of systems in health care, original interdisciplinary research, studies and creative works in the health arts and humanities, and integrative models or paradigms across disciplines are examples of the scholarship of integration.


The scholarship of discovery is a commitment to inquiry and research. Its purpose is to generate new knowledge in support of learning; for the advancement of the intellectual climate of the university; and/or for the advancement of professional knowledge or practice. Discovery is an integrative process and collaborative effort with activities conducted individually, with colleagues and with students. In the School of Nursing and Health Studies, discovery activities relate to the advancement of nursing and public health in both theory, policy or practice through the generation, utilization, and dissemination of knowledge. The scholarship of discovery takes the form of primary empirical research, historical research, theory development and testing, methodological studies, and philosophical inquiry and analysis. It increasingly is interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature, across professional groups as well as beyond the campus, always striving for an inclusive and diverse community engagement.

For some faculty members, there may be no clear divisions between forms of scholarship, however all faculty members’ dossiers should demonstrate a rigorous body of work aimed at creatively contributing to bodies of knowledge, engaging with our communities and infused with our school’s core values. Integrative scholarship between the traditional silos of teaching, service and research are valued at the SNHS for the richness and synergy they can provide. We also recognize that integrative scholarly projects often require different periods of time before they yield results. Attempts to build linkages to new scholarly areas and fruitful collaborations with community partners may take years to develop and could mean reduced output in the short term. We value and support these types of integrative and engaged scholarship.


 Scholarship typeAssistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorFull Professor
Scholarship of TeachingDemonstrates competent teaching in content and methods:Demonstrates competence in teaching through: self-assessment, peer assessment, and student assessment;Shows evidence of learning in content and teaching methods;Develops, revises, and teaches courses;Guest lectures for another course;Collaborates with others in curriculum development and/or teaching of a course;Mentors students (e.g., independent study, graduate student portfolios and fieldwork);Supports a classroom environment that is sensitive to and supportive of diversity.Demonstrates mastery in teaching in content and methods.Demonstrates mastery of teaching through: self-assessment, peer assessment, and student assessment;Provides an environment that facilitates intellectual inquiry, student learning and professional growth through the campus 3 Cs framework of cross-disciplinarity, connected learning, and community engagement[1];Incorporates current research and professional debates into classroom instruction;Disseminates knowledge about teaching;Collaborates with colleagues on teaching strategies and/or instructional techniques;Creates an inclusive academic environment within the school.Demonstrates expertise in teaching content and methods.1.Is sought out by others nationally or internationally for one’s expertise;2.Provides leadership for course teaching strategies and/or instructional techniques, as well as curriculum development, evaluation, and/or revision;3.Contributes to the teaching effectiveness of other faculty through mentoring;4.Disseminates knowledge in the area of teaching/instructional competencies, innovative teaching methods, or curriculum development;5.Serves as a mentor for scholars beyond the SNHS;6. Advocates for a supportive and inclusive academic environment at the campus level and beyond. 
Scholarship of DiscoveryDemonstrates promise/productivity in the scholarship of discovery.Develops area(s) of scholarly inquiry related to nursing, health, and/or pedagogy;Disseminates scholarship through publications in books, peer-reviewed journals and other media, as well as presentations at local or national meetings;Mentors graduate and undergraduate students in research.Demonstrates competence within focused area(s) of scholarship as recognized by colleagues within and beyond UWB.Generates new knowledge that advances the area of inquiry;Demonstrates independence as a scholar in one or more focal area(s) of inquiry;Disseminates scholarship to national and international audiences;Seeks funding to support scholarly activities within a focused area of inquiry;Includes undergraduate and graduate students in research and funding activities.Demonstrates excellence in the scholarship of discovery as recognized by colleagues within and beyond the University and region.Demonstrates excellence, leadership and mastery over time within focal area(s) of scholarly inquiry;Is recognized at local, regional, national, and/or international levels for contributions to area(s) of inquiry;Provides leadership in collaborative scholarly investigation and/or dissemination.
Scholarship of IntegrationDemonstrates competence in the understanding and synthesis of key issues within areas of knowledge.Shows evidence of integrating other disciplines in teaching, scholarship, and service in alignment with the 3Cs framework of cross-disciplinarity, connected learning, and community engagement;[1]Participates in collaborative endeavors within and across disciplines related area(s) of scholarly investigation.Demonstrates mastery in the understanding and synthesis of key issues across areas of knowledge.Contributes to interdisciplinary publications such as newsletters, media, educational materials, reports, journal articles and/or book chapters/reviews;Demonstrates evidence of using other disciplines in the development of one’s own area of scholarly investigation or creative work;Advancing knowledge by contributing to interdisciplinary scholarly works.Demonstrates expertise in the understanding and synthesis of key issues within and across areas of knowledge.Provides leadership in collaborative learning, innovative programs, or scholarly endeavors to develop and advance new knowledge within and across disciplines in alignment with the “3 Cs[1];”Leads collaborative endeavors within and across disciplines related to area(s) of scholarly investigation.;Provides consultation and national leadership in interdisciplinary professional fields.
Scholarship of ApplicationDemonstrates competence in linking knowledge, service, and practice.Serves as a member on school committees/task forces;Is a member in professional organizations;Participates in academic advising/professional mentorship of students. Demonstrates mastery in linking knowledge, service, and practice.Serves on campus and/or university-wide committees or task forces;Engages in service related to one’s profession or field by contributing to professional organization(s), community committee/ task force(s);Is recognized nationally by individuals, agencies, or organizations for area(s) of expertise (e.g. consultation etc.);Reviews academic journal articles, books, conference abstracts, proposals and/or grants.Supports and mentors faculty around tenure and promotion.Demonstrates expertise in linking knowledge, service, and practice.Provides leadership in school, campus, and/or university committees/task forces;Is recognized internationally by individuals, agencies, or organizations for area(s) of expertise (e.g. consultation etc.);Serves as an editor or member of an editorial board for academic journals;Demonstrates leadership in professional organization(s);Serves as an external reviewer for degree granting, promotion and tenure for individuals outside of school;Demonstrates leadership in recruitment, mentoring, and/or the professional development of colleagues.

Promotion and Merit Criteria for Teaching Professors
Boyer Model
Feb. 1, 2021
NOTE: As with the criteria listed in the Boyer Model document for tenure line faculty, the items in each category are not to be seen as a checklist of required activities, but rather as examples of the kinds of accomplishments for which faculty may submit evidence.

  Scholarship typeAssistant Teaching ProfessorAssociate Teaching ProfessorTeaching (Full) Professor
Scholarship of TeachingDemonstrates competence in facilitating student learning through teaching activities. 1. Organizes and conducts courses appropriate to the level of instruction, site, and nature of content2. Demonstrates teaching effectiveness through: self and peer assessment and student assessment3. Creatively uses research findings and practice examples in teaching4. Creates a classroom environment that is sensitive to diversity of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and lifestyle and is respectful of diverse philosophical positions on issues related to practice5. Contributes to curriculum and course development6. Supervises undergraduate independent study.7. Serves as committee member on masters projectsDemonstrates advanced skills in facilitating student learning through teaching activities.
1. Recognizes and promotes the development, retention, and academic achievement of a diverse student body.
2. Provides leadership at the program level in curriculum and course development and evaluation
3. Creatively uses technological developments and innovative pedagogical strategies in teaching
4. Facilitates others to teach more effectively by providing active assistance to colleagues within the program
5. Provides teaching services beyond the program.
6. Supervises MN students in independent study, fieldwork, and projects.
Demonstrates expert skills in facilitating student learning through teaching activities
1. Provides leadership within or beyond the program for major curricular developments and revisions
2. Plans or facilitates programs that contribute to the campus teaching community
3. Participates in campus-wide faculty councils related to teaching
4. Facilitates others to teach more effectively by providing mentoring to colleagues within or beyond the program
5. Provides expert teaching consultation beyond the program.
6. Recognized for teaching excellence through nomination or reception of teaching award
Scholarship of DiscoveryDemonstrates knowledge of scholarship of teaching and learning
1. Applies knowledge of current research in pedagogy to teaching.
2. Applies knowledge of current research in specialty area to teaching.
Demonstrates competence in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
1. Contributes to the development of effective and innovative teaching strategies.
2. Engages in scholarly inquiry related to teaching or a focused area of research
3. Shares knowledge of SOTL by presentation at campus-based or regional forums, publications, or other scholarly work
4. Disseminates findings from scholarly inquiry through presentations, publications, or other scholarly work.
Demonstrates expertise in scholarship of teaching and learning
1. Demonstrates active engagement in a program of scholarly inquiry
2. Presents findings at regional or national conferences and/or in peer-reviewed publications
3. Participates in organizations focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning
4. Participates in professional organizations focused on scholarly inquiry
5. Receives funding for systematic inquiry activities within focused area
6. Serves as a reviewer for professional journals
Scholarship of ApplicationDemonstrates competence in applying knowledge to service and practice.
1. Participates in department committees related to teaching activities
2. Participates in shared governance through committee membership at the program level
3. Demonstrates active participation in local professional community activities
4. Contributes to the positive climate in the department and campus
5. Utilizes research findings in teaching and practice activities
6. Maintains and enhances relationships with community partners relevant to teaching and discovery.
Demonstrates advanced abilities in applying knowledge to service and practice.
1. Demonstrates leadership at the program level in selected curricular and administrative activities, such as responsibility for coordination of multi-sectional courses
2. Participates in shared governance through committee membership at campus level
3. Demonstrates participation in regional and national professional and community activities
4. Creates and develops positive relationships with community partners relevant to teaching
5. Evaluates research findings for teaching and practice activities
6. Coordinates evaluation of curricular and student outcomes
Demonstrates expertise in applying knowledge to service and practice.
1. Demonstrates participation in or leadership of campus-level committees or councils related to teaching, curriculum, and assessment.
2. Demonstrates leadership in major curricular revision or goal-setting activities within the program
3. Demonstrates leadership in regional or national professional and community activities
4. Participates in service to or cooperative practice with community partners beyond direct teaching needs
5. Development of student services related to teaching and learning.
6. Demonstrates leadership in mentoring the professional development of colleagues, including teaching assistants and master’s students.
Scholarship of IntegrationDemonstrates competence in the understanding and synthesis of key issues within areas of knowledge related to teaching and learning.
1. Uses theory and evidence from multiple disciplines in teaching.
2. Integrates professional experience and expertise into the academic setting.
Demonstrates advanced skills in the understanding and synthesis of key issues within and across areas of knowledge related to teaching and learning.
1. Integrates evidence from multiple disciplines in teaching and service.
2. Participates in collaborative projects related to teaching and learning.
3. Demonstrates use of multiple disciplines in development of scholarly inquiry
4. Presents to community and professional groups at the local level.
Demonstrates expertise in understanding and synthesis of key issues within and across areas of knowledge related to teaching and learning.
1. Demonstrates sustained participation or leadership in campus projects involving multiple disciplines.
2. Presents to community and professional groups at regional and national level.
3. Contributes to publications demonstrating cross-disciplinary integration.
Promotion and Merit Criteria for Teaching Professors

[1] Boyer, E. L. (1991). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the professorate, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

[2] A description of the 3Cs framework may be found at:

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.