Shannon Cram’s Unmaking the Bomb named one of the Best Books of 2023 by Kirkus Reviews

Shannon Cram’s new book, Unmaking the Bomb: Environmental Cleanup and the Politics of Impossibility, was named one of the ‘Best Books of 2023‘ by Kirkus Reviews. Unmaking the Bomb investigates the politics of waste, exposure, and cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, a former weapons complex in Washington State. Once the heart of American plutonium...

December 19, 2023

The Question of Palestine

In an open examination of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, IAS faculty, Karam Dana and Maryam Griffin, moderated by Dan Berger, IAS Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Scholarship, guided The IAS Teach-In: Question of Palestine: Interdisciplinary Considerations, on November 29th, 2023, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The teach-in offered a nuanced...

December 14, 2023

Maryam Griffin’s book reviewed in Public Books

Maryam Griffin’s book, Vehicles of Decolonization: Public Transit in the Palestinian West Bank (Temple University Press, 2021) has been reviewed by Dr. Eman Ghanayem for Public Books. Dr. Ghanayem wrote about the book alongside three other recent monographs that approach Palestine through the lens of indigeneity, movement/crossing, and land. About Griffin’s book, Ghanayem writes, “...

December 5, 2023

Jaki Yi publishes article on the model minority myth and Asian American activism

IAS faculty member Jaki Yi and her co-author, Nathan R. Todd, published an article for the Journal of Counseling Psychology titled, “Reinforcing or Challenging the Status Quo: A Grounded Theory of How the Model Minority Myth Shapes Asian American Activism.” This qualitative study highlights the interconnections among the sources, experiences, and consequences of the model...

November 28, 2023

Jin-Kyu Jung and Ted Hiebert publish “Mapping Haunted Data: Creative Geographic Visualization”

IAS faculty members Jin-Kyu Jung and Ted Hiebert published the article Mapping Haunted Data: Creative Geographic Visualization in Livingmaps Review. The article emphasizes forms of visualization and mapping that preserve, represent, and generate more authentic, contextual, and nuanced meanings of space and the people that inhabit space—using specifically artistic and humanistic perspectives and approaches. This...

November 28, 2023

Amaranth Borsuk and Shannon Cram publish in Moss

Amaranth Borsuk and Shannon Cram have work in the latest issue of Moss: a Journal of the Pacific Northwest. The issue features “Here, in the Plutonium,” an excerpt from Cram’s new book Unmaking the Bomb: Environmental Cleanup and the Politics of Impossibility. In a meditation on an oratorio performed inside the B reactor at the...

November 7, 2023

Jin-Kyu Jung speaks at Geography Departmental Colloquium at UC Berkeley

Jin-Kyu Jung presents his research on “Critical and Creative Engagements with GIS and Geovisualization” at Department of Geography at UC Berkeley. He discusses the emergence and blending of different modes/forms of critical and creative engagements with GIS and geovisualization and specific ways to work with various modes/forms of embodied, relational, interpretive, and expressive geographies.

November 7, 2023

Bullitt Foundation Award goes to IAS Student Researcher

Kristina Chu in the Master of Social Work program at UW was awarded the Bullitt Foundation prize for her work on IAS faculty member Melanie Malone’s research on community gardens in Seattle. Her research will be centered around advocating for communities exposed to contamination and mapping out how people understand contamination in garden spaces. For...

October 31, 2023

Jin-Kyu Jung gave a keynote speech at the Fly Asia 2023 conference

Jin-Kyu Jung gave a keynote speech, “Smart urban Innovation: Re-imagining the relationship between cities, innovation economy, and inclusive engagement with resilient communities,” at the Fly Asia 2023: From Cities to Startups conference held at Busan Korea. Jung discussed the “Seattle Process,” where financial, digital, social, and cultural capital connects different actors and organizations to create...

October 31, 2023

Kari Lerum, Ching-In Chen, & Alka Kurian present at National Women’s Studies Association

IAS had a presence at the 43rd National Women’s Studies conference in Baltimore, MD with presentations by faculty members Ching-In Chen, Kari Lerum, and Alka Kurian. Ching-In Chen moderated a panel on “Feminist creativity as the backbone of resistance: The cases of Videography, Art, Writing, and Autoethnography.” Kari Lerum presented on this same panel with...

October 31, 2023