Management Information Systems (MIS) Concentration

Why Study Management Information Systems?

The Management Information Systems (MIS) Concentration provides students with technical and business skills to solve business problems in technology-based environments. Students learn to analyze and design effective information systems, successfully manage software projects and maximize online customer experiences. The concentration was developed in collaboration with Computing and Software Systems faculty and included suggestions by an industry advisory board. Students in the MIS Concentration take courses in both the Business degree program and the CSS program.

Requirements to declare the concentration

A lower-division college programming course or equivalent is a prerequisite for CSS 173 or CSS 143 and CSS 360.

MIS curriculum

MIS students must complete the following courses for graduation:

Course TypeCourse Numbers & Names
Core Courses (prerequisites in parentheses) BBUS 300 – Organizational Behavior, Ethics and Inclusivity, Diversity Designated Course
BBUS 307 – Business Writing, Writing Designated Course
BBUS 310 – Managerial Economics (BMATH 144, STMATH 124, or MATH 112)
BBUS 320 – Marketing Management
BBUS 340 – Operations & Project Management (310)
BBUS 350 – Business Finance (310)
Required MIS Courses (prerequisites in parentheses) BBUS 330 – Information Management & Analysis
CSS 173 – Fundamentals of Programming Theory and Applications (CSS 142, CSE 122, or CSE 142), or CSS 143 – Computer Programming II (CSS 161, CSS 142, or CSE 142) and Co-requisite CSSSKL 143 – Computer Programming Skills II
CSS 360 – Software Engineering (CSS 133, CSS 143, CSE 143, CSS 162, or CSS 173)
BBUS 489 – Digital Business Lab (330; CSS 143 or css 173; CSS 360)
MIS Electives (prerequisites in parentheses)5 credits – Complete 1 course from this list:

BBUS 431 – Electronic Marketing (320)
BBUS 443 – Entrepreneurship Seminar
BBUS 444 – Product Development Lab
BBUS 479 Special Topics in Management, Only counts when approved for concentration; see your advisor before registering.
BBUS 491 – Business Consulting
CSS 371 – Business of Technology
CSS 475 – Database Systems (CSS 360 or B IMD 351)
CSS 478 – Usability & User-Centered Design (CSS 360 or B IMD 351)
CSS 480 – Principles of Human Computer Interaction (CSS 360)
Other electives. may also be selected depending on appropriateness and availability.
General Electives (any 300/400 level UW courses)25 Credits
Capstone CoursesBefore you can register for the capstone courses, you must complete all core courses and meet with your advisor to file a graduation application.

BBUS 470 – Business Policy & Strategic Management
BBUS 480 – Global Environment of Business
Total Credits90 Credits