Management Concentration

Why study Management?

The Management Concentration offers a wide variety of courses that examine the many challenges facing modern business organizations and provide the tools to meet those challenges. Specific areas of study include entrepreneurship, leadership and decision-making, conflict resolution, human resources and managing employees. Students who graduate with a concentration in management often pursue careers in consulting or as leaders in the private or public sector.


All Business degree program students start out in the following introductory management course, which is a prerequisite to all other courses in the concentration:

  • BBUS 300 – Organizational Behavior, Ethics and Inclusivity (DIV)

Management curriculum

Course TypeCourse Numbers & Names
Core Courses (prerequisites in parentheses) BBUS 300 – Organizational Behavior, Ethics and Inclusivity, Diversity Designated Course
BBUS 307 – Business Writing, Writing Designated Course
BBUS 310 – Managerial Economics (BMATH 144, STMATH 124, or MATH 112)
BBUS 320 – Marketing Management
BBUS 340 – Operations & Project Management (310)
BBUS 350 – Business Finance (310)
Required Management Courses (prerequisites in parentheses)BBUS 402 – Managing Work Teams
BBUS 473 – Leadership & Decision Making (300)
Management Electives (prerequisites in parentheses)10 credits – Complete 2 courses from this list:

BBUS 330 – Information Management and Analysis
BBUS 401 – Work Motivation and Performance
BBUS 402 – Managing Work Teams
BBUS 441 – Business Project Management (BBUS/ELCBUS 340)
BBUS 443 – Entrepreneurship Seminar
BBUS 444 – Product Development Laboratory
BBUS 461 – Business, Government, & Society (300, 310)
BBUS 462 – Negotiations & Conflict Management (BBUS/ELCBUS 320)
BBUS 471 – Entrepreneurial Management
BBUS 475 – Managing Innovation
BBUS 476 – New Technology & Future Markets (300, BBUS/ELCBUS 320, 350)
BBUS 477 – Human Resources Management (300)
BBUS 479 – Special Topics in Management (300)
BBUS 490 – Special Topics in Business (300, 310), BBUS 490 may or may not count depending on course topic; see your adviser before registering.
BBUS 491 – Business Consulting
General Electives (any 300/400 level UW courses)30 credits
Capstone CoursesBefore you can register for a capstone courses, you must complete all core courses and meet with your advisor to file a graduation application.

BBUS 470 – Business Policy & Strategic Management
BBUS 480 – Global Environment of Business
Total Credits90 Credits