2013-14 Research Seminars
Spring 2014
Friday April 4, 10:30 AM – Noon, Location: Rose Room (UW1-280)
Kamal Jain, e-Bay Research
Algorithmic Game Theory of eBay’s Buyer-Selling Matching
Thursday April 10, 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM, Location: Rose Room (UW1-280)
Professor Mary E. Barth, Stanford University (Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series)
Download the paper “Conservatism and the Information Content of Earnings”.
Friday May 2, 10:30 AM – Noon, Location: UW2-340
Xiaowen Jiang, Wayne State University
The Information Content of Aggregate Book-Tax Differences
Tuesday May 6, 9:15 AM – 10:45 AM, Location: 104F-UWBB (Beardslee)
Mark Humphery-Jenner, (ASB/UNSW)
Executive Overconfidence and Compensation Structure
Friday May 9, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Location: UW1-050
Sushil Khanna, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
Corporate Governance in the Asian Context
Friday May 30
No Seminar, in lieu we will have a 9:00 AM Brown Bag (UW2-340).
Winter 2014
Friday January 17, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Friday January 24, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Friday February 14, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Che-Wei (Scott) Chiu, University of Texas at Dallas
Intra-Industry Connectedness and the Corporate Information Environment
Friday February 21, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Dan Eshleman, LSU
Does the Market Overweight Imprecise Information?: Evidence from Customer Earnings Announcements
Friday February 28, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Hangsoo Kyung, CUNY-Baruch
Does SEC Interpretive Guidance Affect Firm Behavior? Evidence from Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure
Tuesday March 4, 10:30-noon in the Rose Room (UW1 280)
Denis Trapido, Stanford/UC Irvine
When Does Originality Help New Knowledge Earn Pre-Commercial Recognition? The Role of Contextual Positioning
Friday March 7, 10:30-noon in UW2-340
Hyung Il Oh, Columbia
A New Accounting Approach to Evaluate M&A Prices and Goodwill Allocations
Friday March 14, 10:30-noon in UW2-131
Praveen Sinha, California State University, Long Beach
The Role of Financial Analysts’ Tone in Interpreting Management Disclosure Tone in Conference Calls
Fall 2013
Friday October 4 at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room (UW1-280)
Sundar Balakrishnan and Surya Pathak, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Impeding the Juggernaut of Innovation Diffusion: A Production Constrained Model
Friday October 11 at 10:30 a.m. in UW1-050
Tuesday October 15 at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room (UW1-280)
Wednesday October 16 Brown Bag at noon in the Rose Room (UW1-280)
Fehmi Tanrisever, Bilkent University
Avoiding capability traps through contingent contracts: The role of cash and knowhow in startups
Friday October 25 at 10:30 a.m. in UW1-050
Monday October 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room (UW1-280)
Friday November 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room (UW1-280)
Friday November 15
2013 Accounting Business Ethics Conference
Monday December 9 at 10:30 a.m. in UW2-327