2012-13 Research Seminars
Spring 2013
June 7 at 10:30 a.m. in UW1-220
Speaker: Marinilka Kimbro, Seattle University – Albers School of Business and Economics
May 31 at 10:30 a.m. in UW1-210
Speaker: Deanna Kennedy, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
May 24 at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Room
Speaker:Joydeep Chatterjee, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Title: The Impact of Offshore Outsourcing Scale, Scope, and Vendor Relationships on Firm Market Value Creation
Friday 17 at 9:30 a.m. in UW1-110
Speaker: Manuela Hoehn-Weiss, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Friday 10 at 2:30 p.m. in UW1-060
Speaker: Mathew Isaac, Seattle University – Albers School of Business and Economics
April 26 at 1:00 p.m. in UW1-110
Speaker: Jangwon Suh, Baruch College – Zicklin School of Business
April 19 at 1:00 p.m. in UW1-110
Speaker: Rajib Doogar, University of Illinois – College of Business
April 05 at 1:00 p.m. in UW1-110
Speaker: Qin Qhang, University of Iowa – Tippie College of Business
Winter 2013
Speaker: Andrew Chang, University of California – Irvine, Department of Economics
Title: Tax Policy Endogeneity: Evidence from R&D Tax Credits
Speaker: Kee Yuen Lee, University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Speaker: Xiahua “Anny” Wei, University of California – San Diego, Department of Economics
Title: Reducing Consumer Switching Costs with Technology Portability: Evidence of Market Competition in the Global Wireless Industry
Speaker: Kane Sweeney, Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management
Title: Health Insurance Pre-Exchanges: A Market Design Approach to Insurer-Provider Network Formation
Speaker: Valerie Li, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Title: Earnings Persistence and Real Earnings Management
Speaker: Ying Li, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Title: Value-adding or ‘Tunneling’? Local long-term institutional ownership, CSR, and Firm Value
Speaker: Vlad Radoias, University of Southern California – Marshall School of Business
Title: Underpricing, Excess Demand, and Speculative Markets
Speaker: Pallavi Baral, Indiana University – Department of Economics
Title: Interactions of Strategic Behavior and Financial Network Structures: A Network Formation Game Model on Endogenous Risk of Contagion
Speaker: Martin Santamaria, University of Chicago – Department of Economics
Title: On the Probability of Existence of Stable Networks
Speaker: Camelia Bejan, Rice University – Department of Economics
Title: Limited Enforcement, Bubbles, and Trading in incomplete Markets
Fall 2012
Speaker: Josh Filzen, Michigan Technological University, School of Business and Economics
Speaker: Debika Sihi, The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business
Title: The Effects of Corporate Governance and Marketing Spending on Firm Value
Speaker: Naomi Rothenberg, The University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics
Speaker: Kelly Paulson, University of California, San Diego, Department of Economics
Title: Explaining persistence in consumers’ choices: methods and managerial implications
Speaker: Jon Karpoff, University of Washington, Foster School of Business
Speaker: Joyce Tian, University of Alberta, Alberta School of Business
Speaker: Camelia Bejan, Rice University, Department of Economics
Title: Limited Enforcement, Bubbles and Trading in Incomplete Markets
Speaker: Alan Boss, University of Washington – Bothell, School of Business
Title: Be Fair…Your Employees are Watching: A Field Test of Third-Party Organizational Justice Effects
Speaker: Christina Mashruwala, Baruch College Zicklin School of Business
Title: The Value and Credit Relevance of Multiemployer Pension Plan Obligations
Speaker: Shamin Mashruwala, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Bu
Title: Does the 20-F Reconciliation Enhance Investors’ Ability to Compare Cross-Listed and U.S. Firms?