Violence prevention for student groups

Student leaders and organizations have critical roles to play in reducing the incidence and impact of sexual and relationship violence on your peers. The Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program can consult with you and support you in building an organizational culture that promotes violence prevention. If you are interested in meeting with the VPA to discuss your options, please reach out to us via email

Consultation meetings

What are the opportunities to build a culture of respect within your organization? Which leaders and members are passionate about this topic? Whether it’s just you or a number of people, bring them together to consult with us. Together, we can clarify the goals and needs that are unique to your organization.


What are your organization’s norms and values? What are the shared priorities of your members? What information do we already have, and where can we do further data gathering? The Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program can help you assess for healthy, unhealthy, and misperceived norms. Truly understanding the existing culture will prime your community for positive change.

Practical steps & tools

Violence prevention science provides guidance on concrete steps for intact communities (such as student organizations) to take, in order to create an environment free of harm. Together, and based on the needs assessment work, we can identify action steps that align with your goals. Outcomes might include:

  • Training for members of your organization
  • Updates to organizational policies
  • Leadership opportunities for your organization on campus
  • Other innovative ideas!
Link to Calendly booking system for the VPA.