S. Charusheela Speaks Economics and Gender in Delhi

S. Charusheela gave a seminar for M.Phil students at the Centre for Development Practice, Ambedkar University Delhi, on postcolonial economics on Thursday August 27, and public lectures on "Sexing the Economy: Capitalcentrism and the Gendered Subject" and "Engendering Feudalism: Alternate Subjects for Post-capitalist Futures" on Friday, August 28.

August 31, 2015

Wanda Gregory Completes her PhD

IAS faculty member Wanda Gregory successfully defended her PhD at the University College Dublin in July. Her dissertation, explores how digital games...

August 12, 2015

Susan Brown’s Work Included in London Places and Spaces Exhibition

Susan Brown (MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics, ’14) spent time taking photographs in London while doing field research for her master’s thesis. Responding to a call for posters by the Association of Illustrators based in London, she envisioned “Under the Moon!” which was chosen to be included in the “London Places and Spaces” exhibition at the London Transport Museum, running from May through September 2015.

July 31, 2015

Julie Shayne’s Taking Risks: Feminist Activism and Research in the Americas Featured at Edmonds Bookshop Reception

The Edmonds Bookshop organized a book reception for Julie Shayne and her new book Taking Risks: Feminist Activism and Research in the Americas (SUNY, 2014 & 2015). Shayne discussed the book and read her essay titled “Mother’s Day”. “Mother’s Day” discusses Shayne’s decision to leave her tenure track job in the Southeast in order to live in the Seattle area and pursue a career that allowed her to prioritize quality of life and family over academic status.

July 27, 2015

Nafasi Ferrell: Let’s Talk! Race and Class through Hip-Hop and Poetry

Nafasi Ferrell, a second year Master of Arts in Cultural Studies student, developed and facilitated a three-hour workshop at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center with community members of varying ages. Let’s Talk!! Race and Class Through Hip-Hop and Poetry challenged participants to define and redefine their understandings of race and class using the mediums of hip-hop and poetry.

July 23, 2015