Six students in Intro to Journalism class published

Six students from Kristin Gustafson’s autumn Introduction to Journalism class got published in local, community news sites. The course centers around fundamental journalism skills in reporting, writing, and media critique. The version of the 200-level course that Gustafson teaches gives students hands-on journalism experience through engagement with online media and community newspapers. Students visited one of five local news organizations mid-quarter and then submitted original news articles by the end of the quarter to those same sites. The International Examiner published Sana Iqbal’s article, “Wing Luke Museum explores API mark on sci-fi,” in January. The Bothell-Kenmore Reporter published Japreet Dhillon’s article “How housing price increases have affected Bothell,” and Aliah Kim’s article “North Creek High graduates swim stars,” in January. And La Raza del Noroeste published Zarefah Baround’s “Undocumented students seek resources in academia” (in Spanish here), Kubi Shek’s “How struggling students pay for their tuition and make a living,” (in Spanish here), Ethan Silvas’ “Latinx students build a community within UW Bothell,” (in Spanish here) articles in December. More information about the class, community partners, and students can be found in this article.