UW Faculty Senate


The UW faculty senate is the legislative arm of the faculty governance system that shares responsibility with the president to formulate regulations and procedures on all university matters (Faculty Code Section 13-23). The faculty senate is made up of around 131 elected senators from across all three campuses. The role of the faculty senate is to provide a forum for faculty to discuss and deliberate proposed regulations (drafted in the senate’s faculty councils) and procedures. Faculty senators are elected to represent the will of the faculty at senate meetings. The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) sets Faculty Senate agendas, helps the senate conduct business per the Faculty Code, and facilitates communication between the president and the faculty. Two senate faculty legislative representatives represent the faculty at the state legislature and appear before legislative committees on our behalf.

Video: What is the role of the UW Faculty Senate?

Senators are responsible to the university, faculty, and academic unit (UW Bothell) they represent. With respect to the latter, senators are expected to have regular contact with the faculty of their academic unit (UW Bothell), which includes meeting at least once a quarter with leadership of General Faculty Organization.

Senators are responsible for finding substitutes if they are unable to attend a scheduled council meeting.

The 2023/24 Faculty Senate Orientation packet was designed to create a common understanding of:
– How the various facets of the Faculty Senate work
– The kinds of legislation considered by the Senate Executive Committee and Faculty Senate
– Guidelines for Faculty Council Chairs
– Basics of parliamentary procedure

UW Bothell Faculty Senators

  • GFO Chair
    • Linda Watts, IAS – lswatts@uw.edu
  • Elected UWB Senators
    • Nora Kenworthy, SNHS – njk8@uw.edu
    • David Goldstein, IAS – davidgs@uw.edu
    • Heather Galindo, STEM – hgalindo@uw.edu
    • Milagros Loreto, STEM – mloreto@uw.edu
    • Camille Walsh, IAS – camwalsh@uw.edu
    • Camelia Bejan, BUS – cameliab@uw.edu

As a faculty member you can attend a senate meeting, but you will not be able to vote.

UW Bothell Reps on Senate Executive Committee

  • Linda Watts, GFO Chair – lswatts@uw.edu
  • Camille Walsh – camwalsh@uw.edu

Senate Executive Committee meetings are closed meetings.