
campus rain garden from the top view
Discovery Hall rain garden art installation.

Water Conservation efforts

UW Bothell works to conserve water in buildings and throughout its landscape. The following practices describe how UW Bothell is conserving water:

  • Upgraded low-flow toilets, faucets, and showerheads throughout campus.
  • UW Bothell created and follows a water conservation and irrigation policy that reaffirms that the university will give high consideration regarding the use and conservation of water. We follow best practices involving campus landscape irrigation, the selection of plants and vegetation, and the selection and implementation of soil management processes.
  • UW Bothell uses a state of the art Rainbird Maxicom irrigation system. The system is an evapotranspiration based central control system, and water use is dependent upon demand.
  • Irrigation zones are planted consciously so that similar plants that require similar water needs are in the same zone to reduce overall water usage.
  • UW Bothell Facilities Services also reduces water use for irrigation through intentional campus landscaping and plant selection. The landscaping of the campus has includes mostly native plants, and have increased the diversity of these plants throughout the years. Once these plantings are established, they require limited, if any, supplemental irrigation.
  • New plant installations on the UW Bothell campus are planted to incorporate high density and layered canopy designs in order to keep soil adequately shielded and reduce evaporation.

Stormwater Management Program

UW Bothell’s Stormwater Management Program is designed and implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the campus stormwater system into the protected watersheds in the surrounding area.

As a Phase II Secondary Permittee, UW Bothell and CC are required to develop and implement a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). This document serves as the UW Bothell and CC SWMP. The UW Bothell and CC SWMP is designed and implemented to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the stormwater system to the maximum extent practicable and protect water quality.

In addition to the SWMP, the Campus Operations and Maintenance Plan lists procedures to minimize stormwater pollution for operations and activities found on campus and within general boundaries.

View the full UW Bothell/Cascadia College Annual Report for 2024.

Hazardous spills & concerns

  • If you see any spill on campus please call Facilities Services at 425-352-5466
  • If you see the spill after hours, call Campus Safety at 425-352-5359

We appreciate any help with identifying non-compliance and spills. Your report can be anonymous.