William E. Hartmann
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan
Office: UW2-311
Email: weh3@uw.edu
To facilitate an effective learning experience accessible to students of diverse backgrounds, I strive for transparency in course design, balanced attention to mastery of content and skills, a supportive and inclusive learning environment, and a passionate and responsive teaching style. Transparency encourages students to become informed and active agents of their own learning. Balanced attention to content and skills orients students to intellectual conversations and relevant bodies of knowledge while fostering skills to engage with those ideas. A supportive and inclusive learning environment helps to make the learning experience accessible to a more diverse student body. And finally, I try to accomplish these things with a passionate and responsive teaching style that helps to engage students in classroom exercises and the learning process.
Recent Courses Taught
BIS 270 Abnormal Psychology
BIS 312 Approaches to Social Inquiry
BIS 316 Narrative Psychology
BIS 369 Indigenous Psychology & Health
I am a clinically-trained cultural and community psychologist whose research aims to reflect the stated interests of American Indian and other Indigenous peoples through projects supporting Indigenous wellness and critiquing systems of oppression. This work sits at the intersections of psychology, mental health, and American Indian and Indigenous studies. Through partnerships with American Indian community organizations, I use various qualitative methods (interviews, focus groups, and ethnography) to 1) document local experiences of distress and desires for healing to clarify Indigenous peoples’ self-determined health and wellness goals, 2) explore how mental health settings respond to the expressed needs and desires of Indigenous individuals and communities to inform service improvements, and 3) uncover harmful practices in psychology and mental health that undermine the health and wellness of Indigenous peoples and perpetuate injustice in society.
Currently, I maintain two active research projects. The first is a clinical ethnography of an urban American Indian community behavioral health clinic in the Midwest that explores several complexities surrounding how culture and various culture concepts (e.g., cultural competence) operate in the clinic setting to facilitate and constrain options for delivering therapeutic services. The second ongoing project aims to connect students at UW Bothell with students, faculty, and staff across the UW, and with local community members, for intensive research experiences on topics in Indigenous mental health. If you are a student interested in mental health and American Indian and Indigenous studies, please consider emailing me to ask about opportunities to get involved. No prior research experience is required, and be sure to use your university email account when emailing to be sure I receive your message.
Selected Publications
- Hartmann, W. E. & Gone, J. P. (in press). Psychological anthropology and Indigenous peoples: Recent ethnographic and Indigenous scholarship on psychosocial wellbeing. In E. Lowe (Ed.) Handbook of Psychological Anthropology. Cambridge [UK]: Cambridge University Press.
- Hartmann, W. E., & Eccleston, S. M. P. (2024). Elucidating structural barriers to community goals: Two examples of ethnography’s potential contribution to psychology. Qualitative Psychology. doi: 10.1037/qup0000296
- Hartmann, W. E., St. Arnault, D. M. & Gone, J. P. (2022). Conceptualizing culture in (global) mental health: Lessons from an urban American Indian behavioral health clinic. Social Science & Medicine, 301, 114899-114908. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114899.
- Hartmann, W. E., Wendt, D.C., Burrage, R., Pomerville, A., & Gone, J. P. (2019). American Indian historical trauma: Anti-colonial prescriptions for healing, resilience, and survivance. American Psychologist, 74, 6-19. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000338
- Hartmann, W. E., & Gone, J. P. (2016). Psychological-mindedness & American Indian historical trauma: Interviews with service providers from a Great Plains reservation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57, 229-242. DOI 10.1002/ajcp.12036.
- Hartmann, W. E. & Gone, J. P. (2014). American Indian historical trauma: Community perspectives from two Great Plains medicine men. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 274-288. DOI 10.1007/s10464-014-9671-1.
- Hartmann, W. E., Wendt, D. C., Saftner, M., Marcus, J., & Momper, S. (2014). Advancing Community-Based Research with Urban American Indian Populations: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 72-80. DOI 10.1007/s10464-014-9643-5
- Hartmann, W.E., Kim, E.S., Kim, J.H.J., Nguyen, T.U., Wendt, D.C., Nagata, D.K., & Gone, J.P. (2013). In search of cultural diversity, revisited: Publication trends in ethnic minority and cross-cultural psychology. Review of General Psychology, 17, 243-254. DOI 10.1037/a0032260
- Hartmann, W.E. & Gone, J.P. (2012). Incorporating traditional healing into an urban Indian health organization: A case study of community member perspectives. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 542-554. DOI 10.1037/a0029067