Design project requests
Design Request Guidelines
If your design project is simple and does not require custom design, you may not need to request our help. Check out the UW Bothell brand page for templates, fonts, logos and more that you can download and modify to suit your needs.
If you still believe you need design assistance, please follow the request guidelines below and we will contact you regarding your request.
Note: In cases where we cannot handle a design project request in-house, we can provide you referrals to other design options and/or can offer consulting services on how to perhaps manage the project yourself using branded university templates.
Instructions for using the design project request form:
- Requests should be submitted at least six weeks from your desired due date. We may not need all this time to confer with you and then do the design / review work with you, but design (and printing, if needed) often takes longer than many anticipate.
- A detailed description of the purpose of the design project as well as all content (both text and images) are strongly preferred at the time you submit the request form so that we can more fully understand the project need.
- Submit all text files, photos and graphics with your project request form to with your project request title in the subject line immediately after submitting your form.
- Images should be submitted in high resolution and graphics should be submitted as vector files. Do not know what that means? Email us at, and we can contact you and explain.
Submit the print project request form here.
Have other questions about our process? Email questions to, and we will get back to you.