Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Media Justice Approach

a Discovery Core Experience
The course may be taken as either a BCORE 115 (Social Sciences) or a BCORE 117 (Arts & Humanities) course. It also fulfills the DIVERSITY graduation requirement.
About This Course
This course will explore media justice work through a feminist lens that seeks women’s empowerment through communication strategies and media tools to subvert media representation and marginalization.
Through community-based research/community service -learning projects, students will work with community partners on digital media empowerment and/or promote media advocacy for policy/social change.
Additionally, students will personally select and conduct an interview of a “Women of Influence” to bring full circle mentorship and leadership objectives of the course .
Dr. Mo West (she/her/hers)
School of Nursing & Health Studies

About Dr. West
- University of Washington Seattle, WA PhD, Nursing
- The Catholic University of America Washington, DC MS, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA BS, Nursing
- Location: UW1-237
- Phone: 425.352.5366
- Email: mowest@uw.edu