Time Traveling Through Experiential Learning

a Discovery Core Experience

B CORE 104 (Arts & Humanities)

About This Course

This course explores stories told about the world around us. Students become time travelers in this course as we explore the ways people have documented and recorded the world around us.

What Will Students Study?

Just like Instagram or Tik Tok organizes and archives our visual and performance experiences, students in this class will ask: What records do we keep (and who is “we”)? How do we explain something absent in a record or story about a place, a person, a land, or an experience? How do these absences marginalize ourselves and/or others? Why does community matter to us and others in how archives are created and kept? How might artistic expression address gaps in a story?

What Will Students Learn?

Our class centers student knowledge as we explore, create, and curate archives critical to our discovery process. Through course readings, video, and activities, students see how people across the academic disciplines in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences creatively describe gaps in archives.

Who Should Take this Course?

This Discovery Core course is perfect for students who learn best through innovative, in-depth, online, and engaged learning moments.

Professor Kristin Gustafson (she/her/hers)


  • Ph.D. Communication, University of Washington
  • M.A. Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
  • B.A. English and Women’s Studies, St. Olaf College


  • Office: UW1-142
  • Email: gustaf13@uw.edu

I encourage students to ask questions, seek evidence, explore complexity, engage with communities, evaluate and create media, and contribute to the world as responsible citizens.

Professor Gustafson