Biotechnology from Lab to Shelf

a Discovery Core Experience

BCORE 110 (Natural Sciences)

About This Course

This course will focus on the variety of careers that are available in the world of Biotechnology. From Research and Development through quality control, product placement, marketing, and even regulation and policy. Biotechnology offers students lots of different opportunities for excellent careers. We will explore the pathway of a drug or device through the biotech sector with guest speakers from local companies to help understand what it is like to work in this growing field. We will also work to hone our skills in record keeping and data analysis.

Why Should I Take This Course?

One aspect of working in Biotech and being in college that many students find challenging is note taking, and recording detailed information. We will practice keep a lab notebook around simple exercises like writing a protocol for brushing your teeth. You will reflect on your career goals and the various pathways that exist for fulfilling those goals. You will also consider how many different jobs can meet similar value goals. The course will focus not only on the science, but on the regulatory, marketing, and ethical aspects of biotech.

Dr. Alaron Lewis (she/her/hers)

School of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

About Professor Lewis

Ph.D., Yale University
BS, Brandeis University

Dr. Lewis received her Ph.D. in cell biology from the Yale University in 2007. While there she studied post-translational modification in yeast. Prior to coming to UW Bothell, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Washington Seattle where she worked on a project examining the development of zebrafish vision. Dr. Lewis has taught at UWB since 2011. She teaches a variety of Cell and Molecular Biology courses at UWB.

Teaching: My teaching focus is to provide students with a core of fundamental principles, such as biological signaling, to assist them in learning how to apply these principles to specific systems, and to show them how to then expand into other systems. I help them develop the skills to find and read the primary literature and create with them an understanding of how the fundamental principles and different scientific disciplines build into an organized interconnected theory of cell biology.
