About & contact
Accessible technology includes electronic documents, websites, videos, software applications, mobile apps, and hardware devices that can be used effectively by everyone, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities.
Physical accessibility includes equal access to university buildings, parking, and outdoor spaces. If you encounter inaccessible routes or spaces, please report them to us.
Contact us
We provide multiple services to university students, faculty and staff with disabilities.
Disability Resources for Students (DRS)
DRS Office
- Title: Disability Resources for Students
Human Resources
Sharene Peltier
- Title: Human Resources Manager
- Phone: (425) 352-5307
IT Academic & Collaborative Technologies (ACT)
Ana Thompson MIS, CPACC
- Title: Academic & Access Technologist
- Email: thomana@uw.edu
Serving all of our students
According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of students between the ages of 17 and 44 in higher education that disclosed a disability was 22%, (Okoro, 2018). The actual number of college students who experience one or more disabilities is much higher. To put into perspective, 94% of high school students with learning disabilities receive some form of assistance. In contrast, only 17% of college students with learning disabilities take advantage of learning assistance resources at their school. According to the Hechinger Report,”It can be hard for learning-disabled students to ask for help in college however, and not just because of ignorance or a perceived stigma associated with disabilities.”
Now more than ever, it is important that academic materials are as accessible as possible. When we make content universally accessible, it benefits all students, not just those with disabilities.
By promoting accessibility awareness and Universal Design, we aim to create a high-quality higher education system that provides expanded opportunity for everyone. We also hope to provide quality curricula by making use of the best of educational technology in support of teaching and learning and build an inclusive and supportive community of learning and incorporate diverse perspectives.
Report a physical barrier to access
If you or someone you know encounters a physical barrier that is preventing equal access to a University building or area, please report it to us. Physical barriers are conditions in any structural environment that prevent or impede an individual with a disability from efficiently navigating the setting.
Barriers to access can include:
- non-functioning door openers
- non-functioning elevators
- damaged curb cuts
- issues with accessible restrooms
- weather related issues such as snow blocked paths
To report physical barriers on any UW Campus (Seattle, Bothell or Tacoma), complete the form using the link above or contact Customer Care. Once reported, the UW Facilities Customer Care Team will contact appropriate University resources from the specific campus to inform them of the report. This will initiate the process and our trained professionals will address your individual needs based on each set of circumstances.